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Small Steps...

Every weekday morning as I religiously do the school run, I come across a whole range of situations that test me and allow me to react differently; if I want to!

Attempting to pull out of my driveway with my daughter, I wait patiently for a break in both lines of traffic, that will enable me to join the highway. Occasionally a kind person will slow down and beckon me out but more often than not, they speed past and ignore eye contact, as to acknowledge our existence would make the situation real and awkward.

Next stage, the dreaded six exit roundabout, where we invariably have to queue to pass across, as our exit is nearly always blocked by cars waiting to join the slip route to the motorway and they don't seem to realise that it's a requirement to keep exits clear, not an option. Following on from this, I encounter a whole plethora of drivers not giving way, or ignoring the rules of the road as well as countless selfish parents who insist on parking on the yellow zig-zag lines outside the school gates.

My point is this, if I react with anger, then surely I am as bad as them? If I choose to adopt the 'no-one lets me out at junctions, so why should I let them out?' Then I am no different and I don't wish to be labelled the same. To make a difference, we have to be the difference. It's too easy to join the majority instead of standing out as a minority but if that is what we believe in and what gives a positive message of kindness to someone else, then that is what I will choose to do every time. So I'll carry on giving way, being mindful and considerate and do it all with a smile and a good feeling in my soul.

Love attracts love and hate attracts hate, you do the maths!

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